Simul Enterprise can be hosted using either HTTP or HTTPS. It is highly recommended to use HTTPS to encrypt all passwords and documents during transmission.
SSL encrypts all traffic between your end users' and the Simul Documents server. To enable this, you must have an authority trusted by your end users computers issue a SSL certificate.
To instruct Simul to use this certificate, select "SSL" in the Simul Enterprise management application:
Ensure that the 'Use SSL (recommended)' checkbox is checked and upload the following:
SSL certificate in PEM format. This file will usually have a .pem, .crt, or .cer extension.
SSL key in PEM format. This file will usually have a .key extension.
Both of these files will be provided by your trusted certificate issuer.
Once configured, Simul will then automatically redirect traffic via https and will be displayed as secure in your web browser.
Simul Documents can open each document in a unique sub-domain which increases security and ensures Microsoft Office can keep user credentials separate.
This works by initiating each session with Microsoft Word from a sub-domain such as We recommend you enable this feature but it requires that a wildcard DNS record and SSL certificate are correctly configured.
Any updates to Simul's configuration are not effective until an administrator applies them. This includes if the system is restarted.
After making changes of any kind, an indicator will appear on the "Status" tab in the navigation of the management application:
This icon indicates there are pending configuration changes which are yet to take effect.
To apply the changes, select "Status" in the management application and you will see a message like so:
By clicking "Apply Settings" Simul will be restarted with the modified configuration. Please be aware this involves a short outage (around 1 minute) for end users.