Simul Enterprise requires storage for the following data:
Simul Documents requires these four storage locations to be available locally on its host server. These can be folders on the local hard disks or remote storage mounted as a local drive.
By default, Simul will provision data directories under: C:\ProgramData\Simul\data\.
To change this, select "Storage" in the Simul Enterprise management application:
You can then change the location of each of the above storage directories. It is important you ensure there is enough storage capacity in your selected locations.
The main document storage location can either be a local directory or drive or an Azure Blob Storage connection.
If you need to change the storage locations of an active platform. You will need to stop Simul and copy the existing data to the new storage locations before starting Simul again.
Simul supports network attached storage for documents and temporary storage. This allows storage to be shared within a Simul cluster. Simul will mount an external drive during startup using the configuration you specify:
Any updates to Simul's configuration are not effective until an administrator applies them. This includes if the system is restarted.
After making changes of any kind, an indicator will appear on the "Status" tab in the navigation of the management application:
This icon indicates there are pending configuration changes which are yet to take effect.
To apply the changes, select "Status" in the management application and you will see a message like so:
By clicking "Apply Settings" Simul will be restarted with the modified configuration. Please be aware this involves a short outage (around 1 minute) for end users.